Enterprise Configuration Service - Configure Like a Pro

Unless you’ve already adopted a configuration management framework, you’re missing a golden opportunity to turn your configuration into a rich, reusable resource.

A better way to inject configuration into your pipelines

Instead of configuration being scattered around your organization's estate in various repositories, it's stored in one or more Git repositories dedicated to config. ECS is a multi user platform where each user has permissions to one or more specific config paths. This makes it possible to split configuration in logical ways where teams only have access to config they should be able to view or manage. With ECS you have choice rather than being forced through tooling limitations.

Do You Need ECS?

Answer yes to any of these questions and the answer is yes, you probably do!

  • Are you operating in a quality controlled / regulated environment?
  • Do you have infrastructure deployed with click-ops that you know should be under IaC control?
  • Do you have or are you considering a platform initiative?
  • Do you have config repetition across multiple repos, i.e. cost centers, VPC IDs, AMI IDs?
  • Do you have core pipelines with config in multiple repos?
  • Would your pipeline and application deployments be more reliable with AI generated config schema validation?
  • Are you considering upgrading your config to a language like Apple's Pkl?
Do you need ECS?

ECS Features

ECS has an extensive list of feature that will modernise the way you think about config and make your entire IT estate truly platform orientated, use ECS and it just happens!

Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY)

With ECS, your config will become as clean as your code, common key values are simply merged with more specific thus enabling you to be able to change a value in one place and have it reflect in all pipelines

  • Create a directory and files for common values
  • Create the environment/ application/  overrides
  • Create a merge strategy in YAML using the easy to learn ECS strategy language
  • Build the config specifying the path and strategy to use and emit it to your pipeline
  • Modify a common value an all affected pipelines will be updated
ECS language support

Wide  Languages Support

You choose your preferred configuration language, ECS uses the same CLI commands to inject to your pipelines

  • YAML
  • Apple Pkl
  • JSON
  • .ini
  • .env
  • properties

AI Generated Schema Validation

AI builds a schema that exactly matches your output, giving you assurance your pipeline will fail with a meaningful error if the build config is invalid

  • Easy schema generation
  • Stabilize your pipelines
  • Debugging pipeline failures is easy
  • All Responsive.
AI Schema validation image

ECS Integrations

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